Jun 17, 2011


For Dembeya..!
19/09/1919 to 27/09/2008

It`s long since I spoke to you
I`ve been longing to tell you
That I miss you so much
My world has never been the same since you left
I still remember your smile like it is yesterday
Your confidence and your intelligence
I will always miss

There are many things I wish to tell you.
A lot has happened since you left
I miss you so much and I wish you were here
I have a picture of you on my desk
Every time I look at it I smile

I remember the day I said goodbye
You said you will not be here when I come back home
I took it as one of your jokes.
It is not easy to believe that I wont see you again
I miss you so much and I know you are watching over me

I am still singing and I have no plans to stop
You inspired me to be the person I am today
You taught me never to give up
The last time I called you from Austria you were happy to hear my voice
After saying our goodbyes I cried
Hearing your voice I felt this would be the last goodbye

You always said I must not stress myself by coming home to your funeral
I tried my best to come but I could not
I miss you everyday
I miss your smile, your jokes, your singing and your charisma
I miss your advice and your wise words.
I miss you Dembeya.


Me and my Father (Umdala wami)



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