May 23, 2011


Intombi  Zomqangala is a group of twenty five young women that was formed by Zimbabwean musician /dancer Sandra Ndebele in 2009. It is an advocacy group. The primary aim being to empower young women through song and dance. There is also a focus on preserving Zimbabwean tradition therefore the dances performed by the group are mostly traditional. The name intombi zomqangala comes from a traditional Ndebele instrument called umqangala(breast calabash).which was used by young women back in the days. I had the pleasure to watch the group perform in Vienna Austria on the 23 May 2011. Here are a few impressions of the Show..!

I spotted Robbie and Marabha from IYASA in the Audience..!

May 9, 2011


The city of Graz is one of my favourit cities and I feel good everytime I am here.  After performing at the Multikulti ball with INSINGIZI on the 7th of May 2011, I took an early morning walk and captured a few shorts of the sleepy town... Click pic for a bigger image. ENJOY!!!

May 4, 2011


Masai warrior seen in Zanzibar

Seen in Volksgarten Vienna Austria

Baye Fall Brotherhood seen in Dakar Senegal

Mthokozisi Nkomo seen Backstage in Reigen Vienna Austria

Seen at the Afrika festival Vienna Austria

Ethiopian smile :-) seen at the Afrika festival Vienna Austria

Man at work :-) seen at the Afrika festival Vienna Austria

Seen at the Afrika festival Vienna Austria


Face to face with a chicken Bus Bulawayo Vic-falls road Zimbabwe

Bulawayo Power station Zimbabwe

Passage in Stone town Zanzibar

Fire place in Lake Kariba Zimbabwe

Source of the Nile In Uganda
In Paris
A church in Vienna